PRICE: 35mins €35 / 60mins €50
Using massage techniques on the upper back, head, neck, face and shoulders. It is very effective for treating stress, headache and insomnia.
PRICE: €50
This is a specialised foot massage treating the whole body by working on the feet. There are points in the feet that correspond to organs and systems of the body.
PRICE: €50
Reiki is a spiritual healing, drawing energies to the clients body promoting healing, balance and relaxation. It is uplifting and helps gain a positive outlook.
PRICE: €50
Ths is a slow, soothing, gentle massage working on the lympatic system. It is very effective for treating fluid retention, stress and low immunity.
PRICE: Back €40 - Full Body €60
This massage uses essential oils for relaxation and the improvement of physical and emotional well being.
PRICE: Back €45 - Full Body €80
This combines massage with the use of heated basalt stones. The placement of hot stones on the body helps improve energy flow, increases metobolism, reduces pain and muscle spasm.
PRICE: 40mins = €40 / 60mins = €60
Deep Tissue Treatments helps to: Rehydrate and refuel the body after an intense training session. Reduce muscle pain,stiffness and tension. Prevent injury and reduces the build up of lactic acid. Improve circulation, flexibility and range of motion.
PRICE: 60mins = €50
Benefits of Pregnancy Massage: Reduces muscle tension particularly in the lower back. Reduces stress on weight bearing joints. Improves outcome of labour and eases labour pain. Helps to Increase blood and lymph circulation which can greatly reduce swelling. Enhances the pliability of skin and underlying tissues, reducing the appearance of stretch marks.
PRICE: 30mins = €30 / 60mins = €50
This wonderfully relaxing facial treatment is a combination of massage techniques and natural products. Organic Neals Yard Products are used to gently cleanse, tone and exfoliate the skin. Circulation is enhanced through specific massage techniques and skin is left hydrated and nourished. The 1 hour treatment includes a 15minute hand OR foot massage, and neck, face and scalp massage bringing deep relaxation to body and mind.
Aisling Therapies • Blackpool, Co.Cork • Tel: (086) 157 8451